September 10, 2024


You have questions and we have answers!

Q: How can we get critics to come to see our show? How can I get someone to write reviews, interviews, or more coverage for our shows?

A: San Diego Theatre Critics Circle is an organization of theatre critics who write for various publications throughout San Diego. You may reach current members by writing to each member via their publication or contact the board via email at

 Q: How can our theatre company, show, or performance be considered eligible for your awards?

 A: The San Diego Theatre Critics Circle awards are given out to professional theatre companies and all shows and performances in a calendar year (Jan – Dec) are eligible.  Theaters that would like to be considered for awards should extend an invitation to all members for opening night or opening weekend review tickets. In order for shows to receive nominations they must be seen by a certain percentage of members.

The Critics Circle classifies professional theaters as those that pay artists for their work and/or strive to produce adventurous and challenging work that is new to San Diego. We do not at this time include college productions or community theater productions for awards consideration.

Q: How can I join the San Diego Theatre Critics Circle?

A:  Please see the membership page here for information regarding our membership options and the minimum qualifications needed to qualify.

Q: When and how does the San Diego Theatre Critics Circle announce its Craig Noel Award nominations each year?

A: The nominees are traditionally announced on our website and our Facebook page on Jan. 1. The awards ceremony follows in February.

Q: How can I get tickets to attend the Craig Noel Awards?

A: The Craig Noel Awards program is a ticketed event that is open to all. Ticket information will be published on our website home page and Facebook page on the same day as the nominations are unveiled. In recent years, general admission tickets, reserved table seats, and VIP/donor seats have been available for purchase.

Q: What if I’m a nominee for a Craig Noel Award. Do I get in free?

A: Individually named nominees are entitled to one free ticket. Full ticket details and awards location will be released each year with the nominations on Jan. 1.

Additional questions? Please email our team: